Miniature Paintings


The painting below (canvas size is only 5 1/4 inches wide and 2 inches high) is being illuminated by Hogarth's new creation, a 1 inch wide picture light.

hogarth picture light on miniature oil painting
As you can see the light is just 1 inch wide x 1/4 inch thick the arm supporting the hood is just 0.10th inch diameter - it is powered by a Hogarth LED emiting zero heat and UV - the temperature of the bulb is the same as Incandescent 2600K

Different views and scale of the picture light to a paper clip.

our satalite miniature picture light to scale
our satalite miniature picture light to scale
our satalite miniature picture light to scale
our satalite miniature picture light over a miniature showing the size

Another painting canvas 6 inches by 9 inches.

our satalite miniature picture light over a miniature showing the size

It is now possible to illuminate Miniatures safely. A 'New Era' in Lighting Fine Art incorporating Hogarths L.E.D. Technology.



Museum Certified All variations of our light are certified as meeting the stringent CIBSE (museum lighting guide) with zero heat and UV output onto the canvas. UK Patent No 0001477.9. US Patent No 09/764818